About PSIT
PSIT (PSychology + IT) is a Digital Perception Mapping Platform. Via APP records, anonymously and dynamically, team member perceptions of defined factors that contribute to the business results. After analysis, the algorithm returns with a detailed average score as well as positive feedforward tips boosting the individual to evolve targeting a High Performance status. This same platform communicates to the organization via web, always collectively, thus anonymously, the degree of evolution and provides guidelines and suggestions for adjustment if needed.
Using People Analytics and Agile as top principles, PSIT has a Cloud-based HR algorithm that enables individuals to dynamically register and collect perceptions related to certain dimensions and factors, it also continuously offers Feedforward guiding them towards a High Performance status.

PSIT informs the organization in an anonymous way, perceptions organized by dimensions and factors filtered by topics as: business unit, department, area, period of time, gender, etc., enabling them to make comparisons and analysis. It also offers to the organization a pack of feedforward which drives them reaching a High Performance status.

It adopts as principles: Systemic Concept, Effectiveness of Perceptions and Feedforward. The last one, as being a possible way to drive the organization to growth as uses present to drive the future in a promising way, considering aspects to be improved all over the journey.